Nutrition profoundly influences fetal development and maturation that can be often overlooked whilst engaging in our busy day-to-day tasks. We all know the swan song of taking ‘daily vitamins and Iron intake’ but what do the benefits entail? Vitamins and minerals in the correct amount may ensure a healthy, well-developing bub and attribute to mum’s overall wellbeing.
Let’s Talk About Iron:
What is it?
Iron is an essential mineral the body uses to make extra blood (hemoglobin) for mum and baby during gestation. This is important for transporting oxygen to body cells and preventing the onset of anemia.
Anemia is a condition brought on by low blood oxygen levels or blood volume that results in a range of symptoms such as feeling excessively tired, poor concentration, and increase risk of infection. The baby may also be affected by the risk of early labor and small birth weight.
How much should I have?
it is recommended to have 27mg of iron daily however it is recommended to not consume more than 45mg per day.
Where can I get it?
The easiest way to achieve this is by consuming foods containing iron. The main sources are derived from animal products (Haem) and plant products (non-haem)
Haem iron is easier to uptake and more readily available in products such as beef, s Lean meats, eggs, sardines, and tuna- the more colour the meat has (before cooking) the more iron it may naturally have.
Great alternatives to animal products include Kidney beans, legumes, fortified cereals, wholegrain, and leafy green vegetables. *Supplements should be considered after consulting with your primary healthcare provider*
Be aware of any clashes!
Some food that we may consume in tandem may reduce the gut’s ability to uptake iron such as citrus fruits, milk products, and coffee.
Knowing is half the battle:
Proper food education around making good food choices result in happier bodies and reduces the amount of chemical stress placed on the body. Chemical stress can have a physical manifestation resulting in acute or chronic pain. The more we give our bodies what is needed, the more longevity we can experience alongside a better quality of life.
I believe that a chronic issue may be multifaceted and may not have one specific cause or solution. As a chiropractor, I take the holistic frame of reference and understand that these stressors be they Physical, Chemical or Emotional may appear as pain and masquerade as other musculoskeletal issues. We at Perth Wellness aim to Predict these ailments, and together make Changes to Ensure our patients improved quality of life and longevity.
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