Our Philosophy
Meet the talented Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Counselors at Perth Wellness.
At Perth Wellness Centre, your health is our priority! Our practitioners are passionate about health and strive to offer the finest care regardless of age, gender or creed.
At Perth Wellness, your health is our priority! Our practitioners are passionate about health and strive to offer the finest care regardless of age, gender or creed.
We believe in a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to healthcare that is specifically tailored to your needs and health goals. Regardless of your current circumstance or lifestyle, our team is ready to get you back to peak performance!
The Perth Wellness Centre Wellness Consultant Team is led by our Director Dr. Neil Brodie who has been practicing chiropractic care for more than 30 years. Our team is comprised of talented Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapist and Counselors capable of providing a vast array of specialty treatments tailored to suit your needs.
We believe in a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to healthcare that is specifically tailored to your needs and health goals. Regardless of your current circumstance or lifestyle, our team is ready to get you back to peak performance!
The Perth Wellness Centre Wellness Consultant Team is led by our Director Dr. Neil Brodie who has been practicing chiropractic care for more than 30 years. Our team is comprised of talented Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapist, Chiropractors, and Counselors capable of providing a vast array of specialty treatments tailored to suit your needs.
Quality of life can be improved through proper allied health care!
Our Doctors & Therapists
Dr. Neil Brodie
Dr Neil Brodie’s two loves in life are his family and sport. His 30+ years of practice reflects both of these. He has a strong family practice helping patients with various types of back disorders, nervous systems changes, and other musculoskeletal health problems. Read More →
Dr. Cheran Ruben
Dr. Cheran Ruben graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Chiropractic and Bachelor of Chiropractic (BChiro) from Murdoch University. Originating from Malaysia, Cheran decided to continue his stay in Western Australia after finishing his degree to further develop his knowledge and skills in a patient centered practice. Read More →
Zac Scampoli
Zac has been with the team at Perth Wellness for over 4 years now and combines his knowledge of the musculoskeletal conditions with his ergonomic consultations to deliver the appropriate treatment modality for his clients. Read More →
Dr. Saba Ghasempour
Saba Ghasempour graduated with a distinctions in Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic (BClinChiro) from Murdoch University. During her studies she worked as a sport trainer at football and rugby clubs and provided injury management support. Read More →
Wayne C. Sun
Perth Physiotherapist, Wayne C. Sun is a Curtin University Graduate with extensive experience working with athletes. Throughout his student years, Wayne has always held an interest in rehabilitation and sporting injury management which led him to be heavily involved with sporting teams till today. He has also delved into aged care, explored chronic age-related conditions and experienced providing physiotherapy to the elderly. Read More →
Ryo Nozawa
Ryo (sounds like Rio de Janeiro) graduated from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy). Prior to this, Ryo completed his physiotherapy studies including a Master of Health Science (Biomechanics) in Japan. Read More →