Patient Empowerment
As healthcare professionals we meet patients with a variety of conditions. This can range from mild to severe on a daily basis. A big part of the job involves educating patients on their health condition as well as treatment options available. This is intended to empower patients to make changes for the better.
Often times patients on the more ‘severe’ spectrum may receive some alarming information or explanation regarding their health condition. Although the health practitioner may mean well in their explanation, this can lead to a patient developing fear or a belief that their condition is worse than it actually is. The danger of such beliefs is the possibility that a patient could develop negative mindsets that may hinder recovery.
The Importance of Patient Empowerment
A big role we play as healthcare professionals at Perth Wellness is to disarm negative connotations surrounding a condition. It is important that patients understand that it is not the end of the world. At the same time, it is equally important that patients receive adequate tools and knowledge needed to help themselves. This may come in the form of home exercises, healthy habits, lifestyle advice and so forth. There will be times however where patients will need to be told with urgency the severity of their condition. This is done particularly if a patient is negligent of their health or is at risk of developing chronicity.
For current patients and those already receiving help from their healthcare professional, my advice would be to ask yourself if you have adequate knowledge surrounding your condition. It is also important to have open discussions with your healthcare professional if you feel uneasy regarding your treatment plan. Be sure to make a plan for your health with your health practitioner. Always remember that open conversations with your health professional is a vital part to your recovery. Try not to fixate on your condition and constantly focus on whats wrong, this behavior can often times slow down recovery. Instead try focusing on gradually improving with each coming day.
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