When you have one-sided neck pain, how would it influence other parts of your body?? If you have neck pain on one side, you might be able to imagine that the flexibility and strength of your affected side could be worse than the other. However, do you think that your other parts of the body, such as the opposite shoulder or neck would remain healthy? I would like to introduce an interesting article with regards to this.
A pool of 49 people with one-sided chronic neck pain and 98 people without any symptoms participated in the research.
The muscle strength and range of movement of neck, shoulder, body and hip were measured with specialized equipment.
In terms of the result, among the people with chronic neck pain, the range of motion of the neck and shoulder in their affected side was significantly lower. On top of that, significant differences were also found in the non-affected side compared with the asymptomatic group.
When compared with the asymptomatic group, the strength of neck, shoulder and even the hip flexor muscles were weaker on both sides.
From the results, while we expected the differences between their affected side and non-affected side, it appears the issue may even affect muscle activity lower down such as the hips as well the other side of the body.
Thus, when we have pain on one side of our body ex: the neck, we might need to consider your whole body including the opposite side. Therefore, we should check how our body is reacting from one sided pain carefully. However, it is usually quite difficult to identify the changes by ourselves.
Our practitioner will assess you thoroughly, not only your area of pain but also your whole body because we know the condition could influence our whole body mechanism. If you are having any troubles with pain, please make an appointment with us. We are happy to help with your recovery.
Kahlaee, Amir Hossein, et al. “Strength and Range of Motion in the Contralateral Side to Pain and Pain-Free Regions in Unilateral Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain Patients.” American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 99.2 (2020): 133-141.
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