Did you know that chiropractic is beneficial to those not necessarily in pain?
- Chiropractic care may reduce pain but also improves function in many populations due to the reduction in the cortical silent period post adjustment. This means that the signal from the brain to the muscle (cortical movement – a movement we initiate) is much shorter. This has been seen in bite force pre- and post-adjustments and large muscle groups (leg muscles). It also increases the maximal contractions of these muscles, potentially impacting training, and performance.
- Chiropractic is all about removing distortions within the system to lead to less fatigue and more strength which not only aids in improving performance but how we handle the external stressors we experience every day.
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카이로프랙틱이란 무엇인가요 (What is Chiropractic)
13 November 2020
카이로프랙터로 일하는 동안 카이로프랙틱에 대해 잘 알지못하고 방문하시는 분들을 종종 마주칩니다. 그 예로 단순 마사지를 요구하시는 분부터 주사와같은 시술을 문의하시는 분, 물리치료를 받으러 오셨다는 분들이 계십니다. 그래서 카이로프랙틱이란 무엇인가에대한 올바른 정보와 저희 클리닉에 방문하시면 어떤 도움을 받으실 수 있는지 알려 드리고자……
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