Do you know the Acronyms PEACE & LOVE for Soft Tissue Injuries?
Find The English Translation Version Below
筋肉や靭帯などの怪我をした後に一般的に行われているのはRICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation)かもしれませんが、PEACE and LOVEと呼ばれる新しいコンセプトが紹介されました。
P: protect
E: elevation
A: avoid anti-inflammatory modalities
炎症反応は怪我の回復を促す役割を果たしています。なので、もしanti-inflammatory medications (炎症を止める薬)の使用は長い目で見ると回復を遅らせる可能性が考えられます。
C: compression
E: educate
L: load
O: optimism
V: vascularisation
E: exercise
Dubois, Blaise, and Jean-Francois Esculier. “Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE.” (2020): 72-73.
English Translation: Do you know PEACE and LOVE?
After you get soft tissue injuries, commonly you might do RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation). However, recently new concept has been introduced. It is called PEACE and LOVE! Let’s talk about the details!
To start off, there has always been questions about treating damaged soft tissues with ice! The function of ice for the injuries is mainly analgesic but there are no academic research with positive results about ice therapy to boost your recovery. It could be useful just after injuries for the first few hours, if you are in a lot of pain. However, if you would use ice continuously with no pain, it might delay your healing process.
P: protect
You might need to restrict movements for the 1-3 days to prevent further injuries. But I recommend staying away from total and complete rest, otherwise your muscles around the injured areas will lose strength and flexibility. Pain symptoms will tell you when you will start moving your affected part!
E: elevation
Simply keep your injured area above your heart. Your circulation would be optimised which will prevent too much swelling.
A: avoid anti-inflammatory modalities
Inflammation would be helpful to repair your injuries as a reaction, so if you decide to take anti-inflammatory medications, it may prevent your recovery in long term.
C: compression
Compression also helps your circulation, so you can avoid too much swelling. Generally, the use of strapping or bandage is recommended for compression.
E: education
This is a therapist’s or trainer’s role. If you receive proper information about your treatment right after the injuries, you can save time on unnecessary treatments. Thus, come and talk to me (physiotherapist) about a suitable treatment plan!
After the first day, your tissues need LOVE!!
L: load
As soon as your symptoms allow, you should use the area of injury actively. Optimal loading without significant pain would accelerate your inflammation process, which leads to early recovery.
O: optimism
Through some researches, optimism is known to bring better outcomes on the process of tissue recovery. Please do not get too down about your injury. Look forward and try what you can do in each step of your recovery.
V: vascularisation
Aerobic activity like walking can increase blood flow and maintain your fitness condition. In addition, while we are walking, we can refresh our mind, so it would be good for your mental condition!
E: exercise
Exercise can help to improve your mobility, strength and proprioception. Moreover, you can reduce the potential risk of your future injuries with exercise. Once your pain allows, I recommend to start doing some gentle exercises.
In the long term, having proper treatment pathway would be very important for your healing. Otherwise you might take more time for the recovery. Therefore, if you would have any soft tissue injuries, come and see me for your treatment. Ryo Nozawa at Perth Wellness Centre will help you to get the most out of your recovery.
Dubois, Blaise, and Jean-Francois Esculier. “Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE.” (2020): 72-73.
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